phone: +420 776 223 443

Cell Phone Rugged: Sprint Sanyo Pro 700

The Sanyo Pro 700 is built for individuals interested in a durable cell phone and two-way communications device. This rugged cellular phone has 32 MB capacity and gets 294 minutes of talk time from the lithium-ion battery. The LCD display is 16-bit color, with 65,000 different colors for a realistic display. Bluetooth enabled, the Sanyo cellular phone also sports a GPS system.

The Sanyo Pro 700 is optimal for outdoor enthusiasts, campers, and others who need a rugged cellular phone for business or personal use. The Sanyo cellular phone is Internet capable, allowing users to browse the Web wherever cellular service is available. A speaker phone allows users to communicate if the phone has to be set down or if more than one person needs to be in on the conversation. The Sanyo Pro 700 weighs just 3.81 oz, which is less than many other military-style phones with its capabilities.

People Review:
Awesome phone!! dropped it from a good height and it still worked! :D very handy if you work on a construction site or are outdoors camping!! The service is great and i didn't even have to use my 30 day guarantee :D The phone came right on time.


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